Upcoming Events

Board Meetings:

*The Board of Directors meetings for the Kingsview Ridge Community Association will be virtual until further notice. All homeowners are welcome to dial in to listen to the meeting. Please contact the Community Manager, Nancy Keen at nkeen@vanguardmgt.com to obtain the call in phone number and meeting identification.


Tuesday, February 4, 2025, 7:00pm
General Meeting
Location: Virtual over Zoom

Tuesday, April 1, 2025, 7:00pm
General Meeting
Location: Virtual over Zoom

Tuesday, June 3, 2025, 7:00pm
General Meeting
Location: Virtual over Zoom

Tuesday, August 5, 2025, 7:00pm
Annual Meeting
Location: Virtual over Zoom

Tuesday, October 7, 2025, 7:00pm
General Meeting
Location: Virtual over Zoom

Tuesday, December 2, 2025, 7:00pm
General Meeting
Location: Virtual over Zoom


Tuesday, February 3, 2026, 7:00pm
General Meeting
Location: Virtual over Zoom

Tuesday, April 7, 2026, 7:00pm
General Meeting
Location: Virtual over Zoom

Tuesday, June 2, 2026, 7:00pm
General Meeting
Location: Virtual over Zoom

Tuesday, August 4, 2026, 7:00pm
Annual Meeting
Location: Virtual over Zoom