Subscribe to Our Community Mailing List-Serv

Mailing ListYou haven’t subscribed to the Kingsview Ridge Community Mailing List yet? To keep up to date with community-related news and announcements, subscribe today. We do not send spam of any sort. We really are careful with our neighbor’s information.

*Your information will not be sold or given out for any purposes. Your email address will only be used for Kingsview-Ridge Community news, announcements, or emergency purposes (Kingsview-Ridge is concerned about your privacy and has developed a policy to address those concerns. You can find the current privacy policy by clicking on ‘Privacy Statement’ at the bottom of each page of the Web site).

**Our list-serv is reserved for our homeowners, renters, law enforcement, or anyone else specifically relevant to our community. Each applicant is manually moderated and/or approved.

Please fill out the following and Submit to subscribe to our mailing list:

Mailing List

The latest items we sent out on the list-serv….

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